If you are looking for to find a Tribord Easybreath for Australia, you have come to the right address. After our review of the Tribord Easybreath Snorkeling mask we found it to be the most pleasant and durable mask.
Are you a fan of snorkeling? Are you a resident of Australia, or will you soon find yourself visiting this wonderful country/continent? You don’t need to be an expert scuba diver to get the most out of what Australia has to offer! In this article, we will list the best snorkel sites found down-under.
The first place for excellent snorkeling in Australia we will list is the Great Barrier Reef. Many sites found along the Great Barrier Reef are shallow, and perfect for the individual who has not gone snorkeling before. All that’s required is the ability to swim decently. You can stay in Port Douglas or Cairns to be close to the nicest dive sites along the Great Barrier Reef.
Where else can you snorkel and get the most out of the marine beauty that Australia has to offer? More dive sites are found around Whitsunday Islands.
Another perhaps not so well known area is found around Queensland, where you can find the best shipwreck sites and marine life on the planet. Moreton Island is perhaps one of the best snorkel sites that Australia has to offer, so when planning a trip to dive under the waves, keep this one in mind.
So whether or not you are new to snorkeling, or new to Australia, fantastic snorkeling is just around the corner. You can go snorkel with a guide and see the wonders of Airlie Beach (Whitsunday area) during an excursion, or if you are qualified to go snorkel or scuba dive on your own, take yourself to the beauty of Cairns or Townsville for the marine sights. When snorkeling at the most excellent dive spots in Australia, you’ll be sure to find the best shipwrecks and animal spotting there is to find.
The joys of snorkeling in crystal clear waters and enjoying the majestic beauty of the ocean are something that many people aspire to. In fact, many people plan their vacation around the opportunity to snorkel.
However, for many people, the steep learning curve involved in using the traditional type of snorkel means that they will not be bale to enjoy that possibly once in a lifetime snorkeling vacation.
The simple fact of the matter is that using a traditional snorkel with its uncomfortable mouthpiece is not something that comes naturally. Combine this with the fact that traditional snorkels can be unhygienic and it’s no wonder that many people simply do not feel that they get the best out of their snorkeling experience when using this piece of equipment.
Thankfully there is now an alternative which makes enjoying the wonders of the underwater world as natural as walking on dry land.
The Tribord Easybreath fits snugly over the entire face and incorporates a mask and snorkel. No more constant adjustment and no more uncomfortable mouthpiece. It’s simplicity itself just to fit the mask over the face and immediately you are ready for an unforgettable underwater experience with none of the hassle of the traditional snorkeling equipment. Read our Easybreath snorkeling mask review for more information.
The Tribord Easybreath is available in three different sizes for adults and a single size for the younger members of the family – and it’s also available in some different, highly attractive colors so that snorkelers not only enjoy comfort and convenience, but also great style.
This all-in-one snorkel mask also allows users to get a panoramic view and immerse themselves in the snorkeling experience while being completely comfortable. This is a piece of equipment that is suitable for both novice and experienced snorkelers alike and should be on the radar of anyone planning a snorkeling trip.