Getting the H2O Ninja in Canada can be a little more difficult than in the US.
If you enjoy snorkeling, no doubt you are always looking for new places to dive to find the best marine life and sights around. If you’re planning a trip to Canada, or already live in this lovely country, and hope to experience the best snorkeling around, look no further! The best Canadian snorkeling is at your fingertips.
One snorkeling destination we will discuss is found in Ontario. You can snorkel or scuba dive, and see some eerie shipwrecks among the marine life. Take a dive into the Great Lakes Region, or Canada’s own Niagara Region. One shipwreck you can explore is the Tiller Shipwreck, in Lake Ontario.
Speaking of shipwrecks, if seeing majestic underwater vessel ruins is your thing, you can see plenty of exactly that around Canada when you snorkel and scuba dive. Other shipwrecks include North Wind, Wawinet, Atlasco, Rothesay, and Panther.
Where else can you go for excellent Canadian snorkeling? Lake Eerie, Fathom Five Marine Park, and St. Lawrence River. Whether you are an experienced diver or a beginner, Ontario has plenty of snorkeling to offer.
Want to see some beautiful marine life? Why not dive at Vancouver Island, and swim with the playful harbor seals who are genuinely curious to meet their snorkeling friends. Depending on what time of year you come to snorkel, you could end up swimming with a large school of salmon as well!
The next site we will mention is in the Churchill River. You could find yourself swimming next to the beluga whale, hearing firsthand how they call to one another when swimming with their family.
So if you are looking for unforgettable snorkeling, don’t pass Canada over. If you are a Canadian resident, get out there and dive for the perfect adventure. Shipwrecks and sea life await you!
The H2o Ninja is a new type of full face mask snorkel that makes the experience a very good time. It uses technology making it easy to breathe under water. Just like the natural makeup of the human antimony makes it possible on land. The mask is not designed for diving; the pressure sensitive mechanism does not work in a vertical position. Like few others like this one, the H2O Ninja makes an 180 degree view possible without the risk of triggering the gag reflex. The new design of this amazing product is the construction of the safety valves, which makes then infiltration of water to the mask while enjoying the experience of snorkeling.
Depth is an aspect to watch in the Ninja over depths of ten to twelve feet. Since there is not a built-in feature to accommodate the PSI accumulated, it is not a good idea to go any lower than ten feet. When we reviewed the H20 ninja full face mask we found the pressure to build up very quickly. This can lead to serious injury or death so always exercise proper safety techniques and due caution while enjoying snorkeling. For the men with a two day or older beard this product is still a 5 star choice. It can still function at 100 percent capacity with this amount of facial hair.
The manufacturer provides a warranty for a year as long as the mask is used properly. With a reasonable price between $50 and $100, these masks are a great choice for people that want to enjoy snorkeling in a more comfortable and easy way.